Saturday, 26 June 2010

Comedy Night at the Charles Hotel - Thursday 24th June, 2010

A group of 12 of us went out mid-week for a night of 'belly laughs'
The Comedy Night at the Charles Hotel is an night for up and coming comedy acts to brave the stage, the hecklers and 'strut' their stuff!!
The meals average around $20-$25 if you want to eat pre-show, booking a table is a MUST!!
Drinks are at bar prices, not that you can drink much for all the laughing!
Some of the jokes are topical (that day Julia Gilard become PM, so she and Kevin caught a few on-liners!)
Some of the jokes are rude, crude and some are just down right funny!
(Not the place to go if you are a bit 'prudish'..)

Welcome to Joy and Julie and thanks to all those that braved another cool Perth night.
Ciao Aly

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