Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Pool Party at Aly's Place - Sunday 16th January 2011

Well Sunday saw another scorcher day, with the temps rising and what a great way to cool off as 20 or so members came along to my place for a pool party!!!

Janet had fun with sweets, though a 'trifle' messy!!!!

Was fabulous to meet and greet new members: Jocelyn, Gillian, Janet, Fran and Leonie and Jackie who has only been to one event some time back...welcome to you all and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Most spent the day in the pool or just dangling their feet in over the edge, Brian and John put a tarp up for us over the pool for some shade, which worked a treat, thanks boys!!

Big thank to all those that helped on the day, it's always appreciated...
Oh and I got told I have to say thanks to me for organising the event :-)

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